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Astro Talk: The Newsletter of Katie Mack, Astrophysicist

Hi friend,

Welcome to the March edition of the Watch This Spacetime newsletter!

First, an apology: this newsletter is late. I’ve been planning to shift to a bi-monthly (every other month) schedule but February got away from me. To make up for it, I have put lots of good things in today’s newsletter!

Topics include:

  • When is “now”? In relativity, it’s complicated

  • The ongoing cosmic mystery of fast radio bursts

  • “Do we live in a multiverse?” – fun podcast discussion featuring me & others

  • Advice for aspiring astrophysicists (not new, but possibly useful!)

  • An upcoming local radio appearance

  • On YouTube: Perimeter public talk on dark matter by Flip Tanedo

  • Podcast: how my granddad saved Apollo 11

  • Emmy Noether: the mathematical genius who revealed the symmetries of physics

  • Leap seconds, because Earth is weird

I hope you enjoy it!


Image: NASA/Bill Ingalls

UTC is a Lie

If you’re reading this in North America during the week of March 11, you’re probably not at your best. With the exception of a few regions, all of us in the US and Canada have just had our clocks shifted forward by one hour, and are experiencing a stationary form of mild but consequential jet lag. Daylight Saving Time shifts are known to be detrimental to human health and productivity, and, for a short period following the shift, associated with increased risks of accidents. Sleep disruptions are bad for us, and even if for any given person it’s unlikely to cause more than a bit of grumpiness for a couple of days, on a population level, it results in measurable harm.

So why do we do it? There are historical reasons for the time shift tradition that I won’t go into, but the short version is that the inclination of the Earth on its axis moves the timing of dawn and dusk around significantly over the course of the year, and Daylight Saving Time was invented to try to keep the numbers on the clock aligned as much as possible with when people have enough sunlight to be awake and active. Of course, the total amount of actual daylight is still determined by celestial mechanics, which is entirely indifferent to our Earthly clocks. And no matter what we do, clocks in different parts of the world will never fully synch up. The human desire to match “noon” with the sun being high in the sky and “midnight” with the middle of the actual night is going to mean that we’ll always have to account for regional differences in what our clocks are showing us.

But if we wanted to really synchronize all our clocks, once and for all – to create a true Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) – could we do that?

The answer is no. Not in Einstein’s universe.

There are two different flavors (for lack of a better word) of relativity, and they each mess with time in different ways. Special relativity is all about how movement through space affects time. It says that when you’re moving faster through space, you move more slowly through time. If you put a precise clock on a very fast jet and send it on a high-speed flight for a couple of hours, when the jet lands, that clock will be just a little behind an identical one that stayed on the ground. General relativity, on the other hand, is about gravity. The big insight in GR is that gravity is the result of the curvature of spacetime, causing things like orbits and gravitational attraction, but also causing time to pass differently for anyone living in the curved space near massive objects. GR tells us that if you keep one clock on the ground, and put the other on the top of a very tall tower for a while, when you bring them back together, the one on the ground will be a little bit behind, because time moves more slowly when deeper in the gravitational well of the Earth. In either scenario, the relativistic slowing of time is called “time dilation.”

(Those two effects cancel each other to some degree for things that are in orbit. When you work it all out, you find that for astronauts on the Space Station, the special relativity time-slowing wins, and they come back just a little younger than they would have been if they’d stayed. It’s not a large effect, though. For a year in space, it only comes out to a difference of a few milliseconds, and is unfortunately probably more than made up for by the negative health impacts of microgravity and cosmic radiation. It’s a much bigger deal for GPS satellites, which orbit far enough out that the GR effect is more important – their time moves faster than ours – and both effects have to be accounted for or else your map position will be noticeably wrong within minutes.)

The point is that in a relativistic universe, how time moves depends on where you are and what you’re doing. Even if you could synchronize every clock in the cosmos right now, those clocks would be out of synch immediately in different directions for different circumstances and environments. And, perhaps worse than that, observers in different locations or moving through space at different speeds might not even agree on the order of events in a timeline. Two stars going supernova at the same time as seen by one observer might be seen as occurring A first and then B to another observer, and B first and then A to a third.

Even if we didn’t have to consider time dilation, it would be tricky to define “now” in the cosmos, just because of the finite speed of light. Whenever we’re referring to a cosmic event, be it a distant supernova explosion or a spacecraft landing on Mars, we have to be careful about how we talk about when exactly it occurred. We might, when considering how long light takes to travel across the cosmos, say that the supernova we see today went off millions of years ago. But the causal limits on spacetime (the rules preventing faster-than-light travel for anything, including information) are so rigid that it was physically impossible for the knowledge of that explosion, or any consequence of it, to have reached us before the moment the photons reach our eyes. So saying it happened millions of years ago is a bit misleading. For all practical purposes (and even some deeply impractical physics-related purposes), especially since there’s no universal “now,” there’s no way to assign that event to any other point in our own timeline. Up until the moment it was observed, that supernova had the same physical status as a hypothetical future event.

All this is, of course, to say: the numbers on the clock are not real. Time is squishy and contingent, the past and the future are matters of perspective, and the workings of the cosmos refuse to abide by puny humans’ chronological constraints.

And go easy on yourself this week. Time travel is rough on the soul.

If You Read Nothing Else

BBC Science Focus | Earth is being bombarded by mysterious bursts of intergalactic radio waves. And it has scientists puzzled

Fast radio bursts originating from beyond the galaxy were first detected almost 20 years ago. We still don't know what they are.

Read Here
Cosmic Conversations

Recent articles, interviews, and features.

The Super Massive Podcast

Do we live in a multiverse?

Listen Here


I get a lot of e-mails from people asking for advice about their careers and education, hoping that I might give them insight into how to get into physics or astronomy. Here are some responses.

Read Here
Upcoming Events

Mark your calendar for upcoming talks and events.

Radio Interview: Reader's Delight
March 24th, 2024

I'm going to be interviewed on Jody Swannell on her podcast "Reader's Delight" on March 24th. You can listen live or listen to the recording after it airs.

Find Out More & Listen Live

[past event] Perimeter Institute Public Lecture
"Why we have not discovered dark matter: a theorist's apology"
February 28th, 2024

I wasn't able to send out the link before the livestream but the lecture was great -- definitely check out the recording!

A preponderance of astronomical evidence suggests that the galaxy is filled with dark matter. Despite knowing remarkably little about what this dark matter is, we expect that it is not composed of ordinary matter. Though we have spent 30 years expecting that it may be related to pressing open problems in fundamental physics, a heroic experimental program has shown that dark matter is even more elusive than we had initially imagined.

Watch on YouTube

From the Astro Archive

Previous articles, interviews, and other content you may have missed.

Podcast - the Moon and Other Things:  How my granddad saved Apollo 11

Listen Here

Cosmos Magazine: How Emmy Noether found the hidden symmetries of physics

Read Here
I Can't Stop Thinking About...

sometimes random physics things get stuck in my head

We have Leap Seconds... sometimes

2024 is a leap year, which means we've added an extra day (February 29th) to account for the length of a year being closer to 365.25 days than 365 days. The schedule for leap years is regular and sensible (following clear criteria), and leap year days make sure that summer and winter align with the months we expect them to be -- essentially to make sure we always celebrate January 1st in roughly the same part of our orbit around the Sun.

But there are also leap seconds, which exist not to synch our calendar with the Earth's orbit, but to synch our clocks with the Earth's rotation, and to prevent noon from drifting further and further away from the time the Sun is highest in the sky. Because over the billions of years of Earth's existence, its rotation has been slowing down, with the current rate of slowing giving the length of a day somewhere in the vicinity of one second more every 1.5 years. So from time to time, we add a second to the end of the day (always on either June 30th or December 31st), so our clocks don't drift too much over time.

But here's the thing: it's not regular nor predictable. The rate of Earth's rotation varies all the time, speeding and slowing a little due to tiny gravitational nudges from the motions of tectonic plates, oceans, atmospheric phenomena... even the motions of other Solar System bodies. At the moment, the rotation is relatively fast. In fact, more or less since the whole leap second thing was decided on as a good solution, the Earth's rotation has been unexpectedly speeding up, and there's no particularly clear explanation as to why.

At this point, the rotation has sped up so much that not only are we unlikely to have another leap second soon (we haven't actually had one since 2016), there's a possibility that the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service (IERS) could give us a negative leap second: take a second away.

The whole situation is a bit of a mess.

If you want to be even more confused about time, and our deeply uncooperative planet, you can read more about leap seconds in the link below, or at the IERS page here.

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